Barcodes and Scanners in PantrySoft

Using Bar Codes in PantrySoft

PantrySoft can use bar code scanners to read bar codes, and it uses this technology in two major areas:

Visit Items & Receive Items (receive or distribute an item by scanning its bar code/ UPC). On standard visit and receive screens, you can assign bar codes to the items you set up, "teaching" PantrySoft that a certain UPC belongs to a certain item you created in Inventory->Items.
(NOTE: This does not work with the online "storefront" interface).

Client Account Numbers (find a client by a bar code you give them). You can hand out bar codes to your customers to help them quickly check in on return trips. There are a number of sites that help you automatically create bar codes of your own, or alternatively you can purchase rolls of keychain fobs (or similar products) that each have a unique bar code on them. When a client comes in for the first time, you could edit their Client record and scan the fob you're handing them into their Account Number field (see article on Client records). On return visits thereafter, you could find the Client in a PantrySoft search bar by simply scanning in the fob you handed them earlier.

Scanner Hardware

Depending on your workflow, you could purchase any bar code scanner. However, if you are trying to scan something directly from a screen, you will need an optical or Type 2 Scanner. If you want your scanner to interact with a tablet, you will need to use a scanner with Bluetooth capability.
Any bar code scanner will work with PantrySoft. Scanning a bar code from a web browser (provided your cursor is inside a field that accepts numbers) works pretty much like typing numbers on your keyboard really quickly and hitting Enter... and this is generally true regardless of the scanner's model. Some scanners have more lengthy setup processes, and some come with bells and whistles (for instance, scanning QR (square) bar codes isn't necessary for PantrySoft purposes, but you might want that feature for other apps you're using). Purchase any scanner you like, and after any setup involved the hardware should work just fine for scanning items or Client Account numbers.

At this time, QR Codes do not work with PantrySoft. 

How To Connect A Scanner In PantrySoft

Connecting a barcode scanner in PantrySoft will greatly depend on the scanner you purchase, as well as the devices you're connecting it to. 

Wired Scanners (USB)

Wired scanners tend to be the easiest to connect. In most cases you would simply connect the scanner to your device and go! Depending on your device, you may have to approve access before use, but no additional steps need to be taken in PantrySoft. 

Bluetooth/Wireless Scanners

Connecting a Bluetooth scanner does involve some additional steps. You will need to connect the scanner to the Bluetooth on your device. The steps for this will vary based on your device's operating system (i.e., Android, iOS, etc.). Some scanners may come with additional options and settings for use. Refer to your user's manual for assistance. 

For development and testing at PantrySoft, we have used the Symbol LS 4208 USB scanner and the Inateck BCST-70 Bluetooth scanner without trouble.