Scheduling Modes — "Templates & Blocks" vs. "Freeform"

Learn about the two modes of scheduling in PantrySoft and activate one of them.

Intro— Two Types of Scheduling

There are two modes of scheduling available through PantrySoft:

  • Default "Block-and-Slot" Scheduling (Schedule Templates). With block-and-slot scheduling, an admin creates one or more Schedule Templates for the pantry. Schedule Templates are a model week, and this model week will contain schedule blocks (i.e. Wednesdays 9am to 9:30), each with their own "capacity" (number of slots; i.e. 10 people may be scheduled in that time). Once an admin has created one or more schedule templates, intake staff can schedule Clients for any of those slots.
    (For instance, an admin might create a single Schedule Template for the pantry— a model week consisting of one block for every hour of the pantry is open. They assign each hour-block a capacity of 10 slots)

  • Alternate "Free-form" Scheduling. "Free form" scheduling gives intake staff a very simple calendar without any constrains; intake staff can schedule client appointments whenever they please without regard to pantry program, business hours, or capacity.

Choosing a Scheduling Mode for the Pantry

Perform the following steps to select one of the two schedule modes (this is typically performed only once during a pantry's initial on-boarding/ installation):

  1. Verify Admin Login
    Ensure you are already logged in as a user with the Org Admin role (for instance, the first login included in your startup package).

  2. Verify Desired Scheduling System
    Go to Setup->Schedule Settings. Verify you are currently using the system you'd like your pantry to use (default is Yes / Schedule Templates and Blocks).
    • "Yes" enables Schedule Template/ Block Scheduling.
    • No" enables Standard Scheduling
  3. Save and Exit
    Click Save Settings before leaving the screen.

Note: If you are using standard scheduling, no additional set-up is required. See this article for setting up Schedule Templates: