Client Reports (Retired)

This article will show you how to view, interpret, and customize Client Reports in PantrySoft.


In PantrySoft a Client Report is a table wherein each row is a unique visiting client (household) inside a specified date range (for instance a Client Report for a single month shows one row for each unique Client (household) visiting that month). Visit-specific information in these rows comes from the Client's most recent visit in the report's date range. Person-specific information comes from either the primary household member, or in cases where an answer can be tallied (for instance, counts of check-mark/ yes-or-no household member questions) a sum of all household members' respective answers. Out of box, PantrySoft comes with a default Client Last Visit report as an example, but Users with the Report Admin role can modify this Client Report or create their own.

WARNING: The Client Report is retired and unsupported. The Client Report is a tool we're phasing out in favor of providing PantrySoft admin users an entire library of pre-made Dynamic Reports with far stronger capabilities. In the meantime, we apologize that the tool is flawed, and that some combinations of fields simply won't work. We suggest when using the Client Report that you open a running version of the report you're making in another tab. Then, make incremental changes in the Report Builder. After each change, tab over and reload the actual report to see if your new field worked. 

Accessing and Running a Client Report

This section provides a few tips on how to navigate and manipulate Client Reports.

  1. Access the Client Report Screen
    To access Client Reports, make sure you are logged into a user with reporting access, and navigate to Reporting->Client Reports.

  2. Select the Report
    Select your desired report from the Client Report Query drop-down menu. The default report is 'Client Last Visit in Range'.

  3. Adjust the Date
    Adjust Start Date and End Date to your define your report range.

  4. Load the Report
    Click Run Report.

Client Last Visit in Range Report

Please note the following details about the Client Report:

  • Search Field. Typing in the search field will immediately start to eliminate those rows that don't have the value you've just typed in any of their columns. This means, for instance, that if you type in "21", it will spare all rows, say, ending in the year "2021", as well as, say, the address "21 Jump St."

  • Column Sorting. All columns are sortable. Click the column and you'll see a sorting arrow become bold. For instance, in the example above the table is sorted by Status. Clicking a column twice will toggle the sort (Descending/ Ascending).

  • CSV/PDF/Print Buttons. The CSV and PDF buttons create a spreadsheet based on the table and convert it either to pdf or csv (Comma Separated Value spreadsheet file, the kind readable by MS Excel) to export the respective document type. Print opens a new window with the data organized to be more printer-friendly.

  • Go to Client (Row-Clicking). Clicking a row in the Client Report immediately brings you to the dashboard and loads the Client into the dashboard.

Create or Customize Client Reports

This section will cover in detail on how to create and/or customize a Client Report

Follow these steps to create a new Client Report:

  1. Log in as a Setting Admin
    Log in as a User with the Setting Admin role. See User: Roles for more information on the different levels of user access.

  2. Access the Report Builder
    Navigate to Report Settings->Client Report Setup.

  3. Begin a New Report.
    Click Create a New Client Report Query.
    Client Report Queries Screen
  4. Title the Report.
    Type a title for your new report in the Title field. For our example, we'll create a report called "Active Clients Listed By County". Click Create.
    Client Report Query Editor with Active Clients Listed by County Entered

  5. (Optional) Choose an initial grouping: Table and Field.
    Report Grouping with Address and County selected
    The Report Grouping section lets you create an initial, far-left column on your Client Report entitled "Grouping", and your report will automatically sort by this column when you first pull it up. Remember that you can always sort by any column inside the report, so this initial grouping feature is entirely optional.

    In our example we want to group our clients by County, so we'll need to group by the County Field in the Address Table. (See Understanding "Tables" in Advanced Report Building.)

  6. (Optional) Attach a Filter to the Query
    Report Filters allow you to narrow your report (reduce the rows it returns) with certain criteria.  For instance, you might wish to only see Clients who visited under a certain Visit Type. 
    Like Report Grouping, Report Filters use Tables and Fields as their filter criteria:
    - Like in Grouping, select a Table and Field.
    - Next select the Data Value (the exact date we're looking for).

    For our example, we're going to filter out all the Inactive Clients from our report: we select the Client Table, the Client Status Field, and we're going to specify that the Data Value of the Client Status needs to be 'Active'.
    Report Filters for Active Clients

  7. Configure the Output Fields
    Output Fields are the data fields (columns) you wish to see in your report. If you care established a Report Grouping column (see above), remember that you'll have an additional initial (far-left) column called "Grouping" containing that information.

    The default Client Report has no fields, but still works! If you have no Output Fields in your Client Report Builder whatsoever, the report will add its own set of standard columns "behind the scenes".

    For our custom report we've selected the Client's County in the first column, then First Name, Last Name. City, and State in subsequent columns. 
    Output Fields for the Report
    Use these tools to add or modify your output fields (report columns) :
    • Add an Output Field
      Click Add Output Field to add another Output Field. Click Delete on the right side of each row to delete that row.

    • Choose a Table and Field
      Like the filter and the grouping earlier, first select the Table, and then the Field for each data entry. Then type in a description of the data in the Label column (for example: enter 'County' for the County row). That label is what displays on the table column header when the report is run.

    • Rearrange Output Field Rows
      You can re-arrange the Output Fields by clicking the handlebars icon next to row.

  8. Save the Report
    Once you entered all desired Output Fields, click Save on the lower left. You will return to the Client Report Queries screen, and the new custom report will be visible in the Client Report Query drop-down menu. Alternately, the big Delete button on the lower right will delete the entire custom report entry.

  9. View the Report.
    To view the new custom report, navigate back to Reporting->Client Reports. Select your new report in the Client Report Queries drop-down menu, adjust the start and end dates as desired, and click Run Report. Congratulations, you've just created your first custom Client Report!
    Active Clients Listed by County Report