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Creating Staff Users (in an SSO Pantry)

Follow the steps in this article to create new users that will login via SSO (Single Sign-On)


In PantrySoft, a User is someone who has access to any part of the app, whether as a customer in the online portal or as staff logging into the Kiosk or Dashboard interfaces.

An SSO User is a user attached to a pantry which first routes their users through a proprietary login feature whey they login (i.e., a campus-hosted login page for university students).

An SSO Staff User is a User that works at an SSO-enabled pantry as a volunteer or an employee instead of (or in addition to) shopping there. These SSO Staff Users are expected to log in through the same (i.e., campus, company) portal to get into PantrySoft, but they expect to be redirected to one of the staff interfaces (Kiosk, Dashboard) once they are done.

Note: Setting up SSO Staff Users involves a bit of a workaround, and a special "promotion" tool for converting SSO Users to SSO Staff Users.

Step 1: Staff Signs up as a Storefront Customer

Have your prospective SSO Staff User perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Pantry's Online Portal
    Visit the campus' PantrySoft online portal on any browsing device.
    • Prospective users can usually find the web address for this on the campus' food pantry page on their main website.
    • Admin Users already authenticated into PantrySoft can look up this web address by logging in with admin permissions, clicking on their username at the top right, and viewing the Account Settings screen.

  2. Sign into Your Company / Campus SSO
    Sign in and login with the company/ campus login screen (typically you'll use a student ID and campus password). This will drop you back onto a Registration screen.

  3. (Optional) Fill out the Registration
    If you intend to shop in person as well as performing as staff, finish filling out the registration screen so PantrySoft can set up an accurate Client record for you.

  4. Logout or Close the Browser
    At this point, PantrySoft has created an Online SSO User for the staff member. But they're still considered a regular Pantry customer, so an already-authorized pantry employee will need to promote them to an employee in Step II...

Step 2: Pantry Admin "Promotes" the Staff Member

The User screen in PantrySoft's dashboard mode shows only those Users who have some sort of staff role, and not the full roster of your online customer users. The Convert Customer To User tool will help you find a single SSO (customer) User and convert them to a SSO Staff User.


Perform the following steps as an admin-authorized User to change the new staff member's role from that of customer User to that of a staff User:
  1. Go to Users
    Navigate to Setup->Users.

  2. Click Convert Customer To User
    After clicking the button, a popup screen will prompt you to enter an email address (see figure above).

  3. Enter Staff Member's Email
    Enter the email address of the staff who has recently signed up as a storefront user in Part 1. This is typically their official company or campus email address.
    NOTE: The email you enter must be an exact match (no suggestions will be offered). This is to ensure security for ordinary online portal Users.

  4. (Optional) Use Visit Client to Investigate.
    If your staff wants to remain in the system to shop for food themselves in person, clicking Visit Client will show you the information PantrySoft will use in the future to record their activity as a customer.
    NOTE: The staff member's Client record will not be automatically deleted in this process. However, it will not be possible for the staff member to shop online as a customer after their login has been promoted to an staff login.

  5. (Optional) Search Again
    If you've made a type, click Search Again to close your current results and clear the email search field.

  6. Click Promote
    If you're sure this is your prospective staff, click the Promote button. This will immediately redirect you to the Edit User screen, where you can assign the User roles, a default location, etc.

  7. Edit User and Save
    Edit the new SSO Staff User. Find a guide to editing an (staff) User to your exact specifications in this article.


Step III (Optional): Delete the User's Client Record

If you're certain the staff member will not visit the pantry as a customer, feel free to delete their associated Client record (you might have seen it when clicking the Visit Client button in the previous step.)

Perform the following steps to abandon and delete your staff member's Client record after you've saved them as a Staff User:

  1. Search for the Client.
    Find the Client record by going to PantrySoft->Client Search and entering your staff member's email address.

  2. Delete the Client Record
    Edit the Client record and click Delete. More information on this process can be found in this article.