Customizing "Age Brackets"

This article will discuss how to customize Household Match Filters to adjust age brackets.


PantrySoft clients can modify and create Aggregate Reports — basically reports showing aggregated tallies. Aggregate reports employ a household member filter called Household Member Match Filters. These filters are how you can designate "Age Brackets" for your pantry.

Instructions for creating Age Brackets (for Aggregate Reports)

 To create a new age bracket, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to New Household Member Match Filter Screen
    Navigate to Report Settings->Household Member Match Filters.

  2. Remove Any Unnecessary Age Demographics
    Review the existing queries list and delete any age-related filters you'll no longer need to avoid confusion.

  3. Create a New Age Bracket
    Click Create a New Household Member Match Query button.

  4. Give the New Filter a Name
    For example: "12 and under".

  5. Click Create
    This will save the match itself and display the Add Criteria button.

  6. Create Age Criteria
    For each "rule" you'd like to apply to this filter, perform the following steps:
    1. Click Add Criteria

    2. Select Household Member for Table

    3. Select Birthday for Field
      This will produce a Field Modifier field.

    4. Select YEARS_SINCE for Field Modifier

    5. Select Appropriate Operation

      Example Criteria: If you're building a definition for 17+, the Operation on YEARS_SINCE is ">", and the Data Value is "17". If instead the filter you're building is "Ages 17-59", you'd repeat Step 3 to add another rule to exclude everyone older than 59. 

  7. Repeat this Process Until You Have All the Age Brackets You'll Need
    From then on, they'll be ready for use in the Aggregate Report Builder.