Delivery Routes

This article discusses how the configuration and integration of Delivery functionality in PantrySoft.


Delivery Routes is an optional feature set in PantrySoft that allows for in-app coordination between delivery drivers and the distributing pantry. At the heart of the feature is the ability to assign Visits a Delivery Route. Admins can then assign to their delivery driver Users a special Delivery User Role, along with a default Delivery Route. The role automatically dumps a "Driver" onto a special report screen in the mobile-friendly kiosk interface upon signing in. The driver's PantrySoft experience is thereby tailored to monitor those visits assigned to their route. With a few touches, "Drivers" can see delivery addresses, monitor delivery orders, and update the status of those deliveries on a mobile tablet or phone.

Delivery Routes and driver features are often paired with the Recurring Visit/ Visit Template feature, whereby PantrySoft automatically creates Visits for delivery Clients on a pre-figured, regular schedule. These recurring (delivery) visits can in turn be automatically assigned to a route, allowing a Driver to have their "regular" clients week to week without anyone having to create each recurring, regular visit from scratch.

Delivery Routes can only be enabled by PantrySoft staff. If you are interested in enabling delivery functionality, please contact

Overview of Delivery Configuration

Briefly, here are the steps to fully enable Delivery functionality in PantrySoft.

  1. Enable Delivery Feature via PantrySoft Staff
    Request to have delivery services enabled.

  2. Set up Routes
    Create Delivery Routes to assign to drivers and clients.

  3. Create "Delivery" User / Users
    Create Delivery role user accounts for use by drivers, assigning those drivers to a default delivery route.

  4. Assign Clients or Visits to a Route
    Scheduling Clients for a delivery by assigning them to a delivery route, whether through a case-by-case setup, or by assigning them a recurring schedule template. 

Setting up the Delivery Routes

Follow these instructions to set up Delivery Routes to be used by your delivery drivers.

Delivery Route Function: Delivery Routes are simply identifiers typically used to break down different delivery responsibilities or geographic routes.

For example: your pantry might have two drivers covering two sides of town. You might create a "North" and a "South" deliver route to differentiate between the two, and then only assign clients that reside in "North" or "South" areas of town. 

  1. Verify Admin Status
    Ensure you are logged in as Org Setting Admin. For more information on user roles, see this article.

  2. Open the Delivery Route Window
    Navigate to Setup->Delivery Route. Initially, this table will be empty.

  3. Option: Create a New Route
    Click New Route to open a new window. Name the Delivery Route in the Name field, then click Save Delivery Route.

  4. Option: Edit a Route
    Click the Edit button next to the target route.

  5. Option: Delete a Route
    Click the Delete button in the target route's row. Confirm deletion on the pop-up by click and holding the mouse on the red Delete button.

(optional) Setting up Delivery Users

Follow these steps to set up a Delivery user.

  1. Verify Admin Status
    Ensure you are logged in as Org Setting Admin. For more information on user roles, see this article.

  2. Access the User List
    Navigate to Setup->Users.

  3. Create a New User 
    (For more information on creating and editing a user, see this article.)
    Click Create New User.

  4. Set the User to a Delivery Role
    Assign the user to a Location (if applicable), a Default User Visit Type, and a Delivery Route. Assign their Role as Kiosk Staff, and select the Additional Role of Delivery.
    Note: "Default Visit Type" in the example above. This is the visit type automatically selected for this user when they create brand new visits. If your pantry uses Visit Types as delivery phases, you can probably leave this blank for all pantry Users, and the default Visit Type will be the first on the list (say, "Scheduled" as in the example above). 
    Also Note "Delivery Route" in the example above. This is the route the Driver's delivery screen will display by default just after they log in. 

  5. Record the New User
    Click Save and Exit.

Scheduling Clients for a Delivery

The following instructions show how to manually create a single visit and assign it to a Driver Route, but bear in mind the same instructions can be applied to Visit Templates (for more detailed information on creating and using Visit Templates see this article).

Recurring Visits on Delivery Routes. Recurring Visits/Visit Templates are a popular method of handling deliveries, especially for pantries that have a regular schedule for their deliveries (e.g., "Meals on Wheels" programs). Visit Templates are a recipe for a visit, along with recurrence rules by which PantrySoft will automatically and regularly create them. 

For example: Mrs. Jones gets her week's meals every Tuesday. Admins at her pantry have created a Visit Template on her Client Record that tells PantrySoft to automatically create a Visit for her every Tuesday, containing 5 "Meal" Visit Items, and assign it to Delivery Route "2". 

Follow these steps in the Staff Dashboard interface to create a Visit and assign it to a Route, effectively creating a "delivery visit":

  1. Access the Client
    Load a client into the Staff Dashboard.
  2. Create a New Visit
    Click New Visit. If you track Inventory, add appropriate items to that visit. Note any necessary comments and verify Visit Date is correct.
  3. Select Visit Type
    Click the drop-down menu Visit Type to choose the option indicating delivery-to-be-conducted.
    For our example, "Scheduled" is used as the delivery-to-be-conducted option.
  4. Select Delivery Route
    Click the drop-down menu Delivery Route to select your target Delivery Route. 
    For our example, North or South are the options to select in this field. "North" is selected for the Delivery Route.

    Non-delivery Visits. Visits can still be conducted at the pantry even if you have delivery routes enabled, simply by leaving the Delivery Route drop-down menu blank. Visit Delivery Routes are in fact blank by default.

  5. Save the Visit
    Click Save and Exit to record the new Visit. That visit is now ready in the system for your drivers to deliver.

Conducting a Delivery

Follow these steps to conduct a delivery as a User with the Delivery role enabled:

Delivery Kiosk Mode. This screen is designed to be used on a tablet or a phone interface. Tap the PantrySoft logo at the top left to return to the Delivery Route Report screen. 

  1. Log in as a "Delivery" User
    Logging in as a User with the Delivery role will automatically log you into the kiosk interface and bring you to the Delivery report screen.

  2. Review Scheduled Deliveries
    Users with the Delivery role default to the Driver Report screen where deliveries are conducted.

    There are several tools on this screen to help navigate:
    • Route. Select your delivery Route from this drop-down menu. This defaults to the driver's Delivery Route as set in User settings.

    • Day. Change the date in this field to select a delivery from a different day.

    • Search records. Type in this field to quickly locate a specific client or address.

    • CSV/PDF. Click or tap these buttons to export the list of deliveries to the respective file format.
    • Handlebars. Click or tap and drag clients up or down the list to re-order your deliveries. This is handy for planning your route.
    • Google Maps Integration. Click on the address line and that will open up a map should be driver need directions. 

  1.  Access the Client's Visit
    Load the delivery Visit screen by clicking or tapping on the client's name in the list. This will bring up the visit screen similar to the one used in the Staff Dashboard. The items to be delivered are listed at the bottom of this screen.
    (Optional) Confirm the Delivery using the Visit Type.
    After you have delivered the items to the client— assuming your pantry uses Visit Types to track delivery status instead of special programs— you can record the visit by switching the Visit Type to the conducted delivery option.
    In our example, we have changed the Visit Type in the drop-down to "Delivered".
  2. Finalize the Delivery
    Click Save and Exit to record the delivery and return to the Delivery Route Report.