Flat File Settings Explanation (Eligibility and Autofill)

How Pantrysoft Staff can toggle various workflows using the Flat-File

Allow for Manual Eligibility File Upload (Activates Nothing):

Prereqs: (none)

General Settings: Enable CSV Eligibility Upload Tool

Affects: Enables in the Setup Menu: Upload. Will also show the checkmark, but an impotent checkmark without Require Client Eligibility on Dashboard and Kiosk

Activate Eligibility Restrictions: 

Require Eligible Login

PREREQ: (none, portal url provided)

DESCRP: Restrict Portal Login: Require Eligible Login Username(Email) Requires that the User (login) Username or Email to match flat-file's email_address field. It's loose enough to search by the prefix (greg) against multiple domain synset (synonym set) if we've set the superadmin page to allow for multiples.

Checks against flat-file email UNLESS... User comes from non-SSO it will also check the account number and both have to match.

On "Synset":

NOTE: The "triangle" domain field was just for linking student to org. 

NOTE: greg@university.edu, greg@mail.university.edu. You'd set these both up as synset. And they work with both eligibility. Bold is "top level" university.edu Alternates for the "core." But this doesn't work for a completely different domain. (Greg didn't even want to do this.) 


  • Maybe affects which orgs you can see when you are connected to multiple orgs.
  • Required for it to go look for a matching Client record via the primary's email. But it won't go looking and auto-matching if you're not on an eligibility list. This might not be necessary? The logic here should be examined...
  • Green Checkmark.
  • Autofill for Kiosk Eligibility to work.

Require Eligibility: Kiosk and Dash

Require Client Eligibility on Dashboard and Kiosk 


The Account Number has to autofill (or be manually entered) in order for this check to work. So some workflows will autofill-then-disable.

This only looks for client via account_number, not email. You don't have to have unique_account_numbers on (but we've got a card on that)


  • Edit Client
  • New Client
  • Registration (Kiosk and Storefront)
  • Kiosk Checkin mode Login (effect here is to clear field and toaster)

Also does Storefront Account Number eligibility.

UPON: Load and edit-blur. Disable submit until a valid one is entered.

*With Anon or Client Check-in:

Client is found by entering account number in Kiosk, if ineligible, then toaster error->redirect/ clear.

Autofill Toggling:

Portal Flat-File Autofill:
Storefront Settings: Auto-fill New Storefront Registrations from Eligible Client Data 

Portal All Autofilling (including SSO autofills) This is actually LOCK Autofill.

Registration Settings: Disable Autofilled Fields on Storefront Registrations

Kiosk autofill
General Settings: Auto-fill New Kiosk Registrations from Eligible Client Data

NOTE: Kiosk autofill requires: Require Client Eligibility on Dashboard and Kiosk 

PREREQ: Kiosk Anon can't be on, Eligbility has to be on. If unique acct numbers, autofill itself won't work (but the payload is still delivered to the front. Card!!!)

Prefill (Eligibility-Derived Registration Bypass/ auto-build brand new Client via Flat-File)

So obviously you need Require Kiosk Eligibility.

You also need Check-In mode (so we're only gathering account_number).

Prefill (Kiosk Only) Bypass the Registration phase and create a new CLient on the fly from the Eligibile CLient record, and it'll automatically either pull up a Visit 

PREREQ: Kiosk: Check In mode and Require Kiosk Eligibility. It will bypass Reg even if it's due.

Prefill and then Bypass Portal Registration: 
Storefront Settings: Eligibility Prefill

EFFECT: If this is on, a New Visit modal will occur. Unless quick-visit, of course. And if you don't have a Client record already, it will 

Dashboard Autofill Setting? Why is there no Dashboard autofill setting? Because it's automatic when you turn on Require Client Eligibility on Dashboard and Kiosk.

This is an unfortunate legacy from when the flat-file was only built to provide Eligibility functionality. Senior Dev: "I think the autofill needing Require Client Eligibility on Dashboard and Kiosk to be on is due to the evolution of the code and probably doesn't need to be that way."

Flat-File Matches Matches:

The Flat-File matches/ identifies students based on:

  • With SSO: email address provided by both features.
  • Without SSO: flat-file account_number field matches User-provided Email Address OR User-provided Account Number.