Inventory Reports

How to understand your inventory data in PantrySoft with Inventory Reports.


In PantrySoft, Inventory Reports are reports which show the movement of your pantry's inventory. The two most common movement types tracked by these reports are Inventory Receives (events where inventory is accepted from an Inventory Source), and Visits/ Distributions (outgoing inventory distributed to a particular Client).

Available Inventory Reports

To access, select Reporting at the top of the dashboard and then select Inventory Reports. There are multiple options on this page that allow you to understand different aspects of your inventory management. Note that these options change depending on the selected Report Type.

Selecting and Filtering Inventory Reports

After navigating to Inventory-> Inventory Reports, change the following fields to tailor an inventory report to suit your needs:

  • Report Type. Select the type of report clicking the drop-down menu next to Report Type.
  • Visit Type. Select the visit type to view for the report. Select multiple types by clicking each one individually, or click ALL to run the report for all visit types.
  • Visit Location. Select for which location(s) to run the report. Only applicable if you have multiple locations. Select multiple locations by clicking each one individually, or click ALL to run the report for all locations.
  • Date. All reports are limited by the Start Date and End Date. By default, these are set to the previous month.

Export Options: All reports can be exported as a CSV or a PDF. Locate these buttons just above the report table on the left. If you need to print out your report, for best results first export as a PDF, then print that PDF. 

Brief overview of all Inventory Reports

Visit Distribution Reports

  • Visit (Daily) Summary Report. Summarizes each day in a given date range; aggregated visit item quantities (i.e., 10 Apples total to all clients that day) beneath each section.
  • Visit Distribution by Item. Summarizes each item distributed in a given date range; specific distribution events (i.e., Mrs. Jones received 10 apples on May 1) beneath each section.
  • Visit Distribution by Day. Summarizes each day's distribution; specific distribution events (i.e., Mrs. Jones received 10 apples) beneath each section.
  • Visit Distribution by Client. Summarizes each client's food distribution; specific distribution events (i.e. Apples on May 1) beneath each section.

Receive Reports

  • Receives by Item. Summarizes all items received; specific receipt events (i.e., quantity 50 from USDA) beneath each section.
  • Receives by Day. Summarizes each days receive events; specific events (i.e., 50 Apples from USDA) beneath each section.
  • Receives by Source. Summarizes each source's donations in a given date range; specific events (i.e., 50 Apples on May 1) beneath each section.
  • Receives by Source by Item. Summarizes each source's donations in a given date range; aggregated item quantities (i.e., "75 Apples" from all USDA deliveries in the date range) beneath each section.

Visit Reports in Detail

This section describes the functionality of each Inventory Visit report in detail.

There are four types of Visit Reports: Visit Summary by Visit Type, Visit Distribution by Item, Visit Distribution by Day, and Visit Distribution by Client. On each report the total quantity, weight, and value of all items is displayed at the top of the screen.

Interview Questions: All Visit Reports except Visit Summary by Visit Type also have an option to include custom Interview Question Columns selected by clicking the checkbox of the same name near the bottom of the screen.

Visit Summary by Visit Type Report

This report shows the total inventory distribution sorted by day. You can use this report to review total quantities distributed on any given day. You can filter for specific information by typing directly into the Search field.
For example: you can filter your view to show every entry of "apples," or see visits done on "Wednesday".

Inventory Visit Summary Report screen

Visit Distribution by Item

This report shows the total inventory distributed, sorted by item. You can use this report to review quantities of those items distributed to your clients.

Inventory Visit Distribution Report

Visit Distribution by Day

This report breaks down item distribution first by day, then by item, then each client.

Inventory Distribution by Day Screen

Visit Distribution by Client

This report displays the total item distribution by client over a given period. This can be useful to review individual client's visits. You can filter for specific information by typing directly into the Search field.
For example: limit your report to a specific client.

Visit Distribution by Client Screen

Receive Reports In Detail

This section describes the functionality of Inventory Receive Reports.

There are four types of Receive Reports: Receives by Item, Receives by Day, Receives by Source, and Receives by Source by Item. Unlike the Visit reports, you can only run a Receive report on one location at a time. On each report the total quantity, weight, and value of all items is displayed at the top of the screen.

Filter by Incoming / Outgoing Status: Click these buttons at the top of the table to filter by Incoming or Outgoing status:Incoming Only, Outgoing Only, All Results Buttons

Receives by Item

This report shows the item quantities received from each Inventory Source. This report is sorted by item.

Receives by Item Report Table

Receives by Day

This report shows all receives for given date range grouped by date listing each item.

Inventory Receive Report by Day

Receives by Source

This report displays all receives by origin, allowing you to see the overall record of each source. The total amount in the given date range from each source is listed at the bottom of each group.

Receives by Source Table

Receives by Source by Item

This report groups each instance of a individual item receive by source.
For example, this report allows you to quickly see how many units of potatoes you received from the food bank in a given date range.

Receive by Source by Item report