Magstripe Scanning

Can I use a magstripe reader to log a student into pantrysoft?

Basic Answer

Technically yes, but it requires labor and maybe a purchase from your IT department.

Check-In Process

Here's roughly how the process would work:

  • BEFORE-HAND: Card reader setup/ purchase. Set up a card reader that comes pre-equipped and configured for some necessary features (see Reader Setup and Hardware Requirements below).
  • Pantrysoft Search screen. Pantrysoft is showing a Client Search screen. This automatically "focuses" the cursor on the search field.
  • Student swipes card. The student swipes the card.
  • Reader Parses Mag Stripe. The card reader parses the information on the mag stripe and extracts the student ID number. (To get a little technical, the information on such a mag stripe sometimes includes multiple "tracks" of data, as well as specific data sets within each "track"; the reader in this example can extract only the student id number from all that information.)
  • Reader sends Student ID into search field. The card reader "types in" the student id and "hits enter."
  • Pantrysoft Pulls up Student. The student record is pulled up. Quick Visit? (optionally if you're using the Quick-Visit feature, a blank/ generic visit is auto-created in the background and a success message pops up)

Reader Setup and Hardware Requirements 

The mag reader in this example would need the following basic capabilities:

  • Parse the full payload of data.
  • Output a single data point as a keyboard would, including inserting a hard-return.

Shopping/ Vetting a Device

When shopping for a magnetic stripe card reader that can be configured to parse data internally and output only specific data points, you should look for the following phrases and features in the product descriptions:

  1. Programmable/Configurable Reader: Look for card readers that explicitly state they are programmable or configurable. This indicates that you can customize how the reader processes and outputs data.
  2. Data Parsing Capabilities: Phrases such as "data parsing," "custom data parsing," or "programmable parsing" indicate that the reader can be set up to extract and format specific data fields.
  3. Keyboard Emulation (HID): Ensure the reader supports keyboard emulation, which means it sends data as if it were typed on a keyboard. This is essential for easy integration with web applications.
  4. Track Selection: Look for the ability to select which tracks (Track 1, Track 2, Track 3) the reader reads. This is useful for targeting specific data on the card.
  5. Custom Output Format: Features like "custom output format," "configurable output," or "programmable output" are important for ensuring the reader can output data in the desired format.
  6. Configuration Software: Check if the reader comes with configuration software. Terms like "configuration utility," "setup software," or "programming tool" are indicators that you can customize the reader's behavior.
  7. Field Isolation/Extraction: Phrases such as "field isolation," "data extraction," or "specific field output" suggest that the reader can isolate and output particular data points.

Example Product Descriptions:

  • Programmable Magnetic Stripe Reader with Data Parsing Capabilities
  • Configurable Magnetic Card Reader with Custom Output Format
  • HID Keyboard Emulation Magnetic Stripe Reader with Track Selection
  • Magnetic Card Reader with Configuration Software for Custom Parsing
  • Mag-Stripe Reader with Field Extraction and Custom Data Output

Recommended Brands and Models

Some reputable brands and models known for their programmability and configuration options include:

  1. MagTek: Known for reliable and configurable magnetic stripe readers.

    • Example: MagTek USB HID Swipe Reader
  2. ID Tech: Offers a variety of configurable card readers.

    • Example: ID Tech MiniMag II
  3. Unitech: Provides versatile and programmable card readers.

    • Example: Unitech MSR213U
  4. Elo Touch Solutions: Known for robust and programmable input devices.

    • Example: Elo Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR)