*Meals on Wheels Introduction

Meals on Wheels PantrySoft Features

PantrySoft can now accommodate Meals on Wheels operations with a trio of new features which can work in concert, as follows:


  • Automatically Recurring Visits ("Visit Templates"). Create a "visit template" for a client. This is a "recipe" for automatically generating a visit, complete the client's regular compliment of visit items, set to auto-create on a regular basis.
    For instance, create a Visit Template for a Client that receives visits every Tuesday. Include their usual order of Visit Items. Now PantrySoft makes a visit exactly like this automatically for the Client every Tuesday.

  • Delivery Routes. Add a Delivery Route to a client's visit. Now a "Driver" user with the special Delivery role is assigned a default Delivery Route. This driver-user can visit a special report showing all of the day's visits attached to their route.
    For instance, you attach Mrs. Jones' delivery to Route 2. Then one of your driver employees with a default Delivery Route logs in. They immediately land on a Driver Report which shows all the Route 2 Visits that day, including that of Mrs. Jones.

  • Kitchen Reports. Give a user the additional role of "Kitchen" and they have access to the Kitchen reports. The kitchen report, like the fulfillment report, shows all the visits in a date range for a single Delivery Route.
    For instance, kitchen staff signs on in the morning and goes to the kitchen report for Route 2. They see Mrs. Jones' regular Tuesday order along with all the other orders for Route 2. Kitchen staff packs those items for a driver to pick up and deliver to her house.

A Meals on Wheels Story

Here is a complete PantrySoft "story" incorporating all three elements:

  • It's a Monday morning.

  • Mrs. Jones' nephew comes in and signs her up for the Meals on Wheels program at your pantry.

  • The intake employee notes her address while creating a Client record for her; he assigns her a default Delivery Route of Route 2.

  • The intake employee creates a Visit Template, set to add a Visit record on Route 2 every Tuesday.
    He adds a week's worth of Visit Items to the template (as he does for all the Meals on Wheels employees).
    He then sets the Start time for the template for the current date (so it will populate tomorrow's visit that evening).

  • Monday night, PantrySoft automatically creates an actual visit for Mrs. Jones for Tuesday. As specified in the template, it is assigned to Route 2 and has 21 meals for the week.

  • Tuesday morning the kitchen user logs in. They check the Kitchen Report for Route 2 and see Mrs. Jones' order (alongside all the other Tuesday Route 2 meals). They pack Mrs. Jones' 21 meals and put it somewhere the Route 2 Driver will see it.

  • Later that Tuesday morning, the Route 2 picks up all the meals waiting for him in the Route 2 area of the pantry and loads it into his van.

  • The Route 2 driver logs into PantrySoft on his tablet, and because he's a User with the "Driver" role, he immediately sees a listing of all the clients to whom he's delivering. He clicks a map icon next to Mrs. Jones' order and sees exactly where he needs to go.