If you're a pantry already well underway and are activating our Client Portal component for the first time, at present you will have to do this client-by-client. PantrySoft does make this process as easy as possible until a bulk-signup feature is added:
As long as the client has an email address when you sign them up, PantrySoft will send an email to that box alerting them that they've got login credentials with your pantry's portal.
Couple of features to be aware of when adding a "customer" record on the Staff Dashboard out of an existing client:
- First fill out the default message the emails will send to your clients once you create their customer account.
- PantrySoft will give auto populate the "customer" email field with that of the primary household member.
- Optionally, there is a config that will set the user's login username on the store equal as their email address.
Coming Soon... We have plans to add an admin tool that will mass-create customer records for the online store out of all active Clients. Stay tuned!