Online Storefront Interface

This article is a basic overview to all the features a pantry might include in their Client Portal Experience.

Online Storefront Video Overview

Registration Screen

Register: Clients can sign up, providing customizable details like personal information, household members, proxies (people picking up on their behalf), and documents (e.g., IDs). The registration page supports multiple languages.

For admins, the system offers scheduling tools, the ability to view and print orders, and manage appointments. It supports automated email and text reminders for scheduled visits.

Scheduling Screen 

Schedule: This screen allows clients to schedule their next visit from specific availability blocks on a calendar set up for the pantry . This is a required step for pantries using the Online Store Screen. Some pantries, however, allow or require their clients to schedule their visits online, but then they log the details of the visit (they create a Visit record) manually when the client shows up for their appointment in person).

Online Store Screen

Shop: This screen allows clients to browse a virtual choice pantry, a shopping experience tied to the specific inventory maintained by the pantry through the Inventory system. Customers choose their items from available stock, and then sign out. In the dashboard interface, this adds a Visit record to the Client on the same day as the appointment created by the Scheduling Screen.