Program Tags

How to attach Program Tags to a Visit and to a Client.


In PantrySoft, Program Tags are badges you can attach to a Client and/or Visits that help administrators flag a Client or a Visit as participating in a certain pantry program.
(For instance, a Client may be designated as a TEFAP client, and some of their Visits may also be designated as a TEFAP visit.)

Program Tags Overview

Figure A: Dashboard where the Client is flagged with a TEFAP program tag, and one of their Visits is flagged with both the TEFAP and the CSFP tags.

Enabling Program Tags

Go to Setup->General Settings: Enable Program Tags (E.G. TEFAP) 

Creating Program Tags

Program Tag Picklist

Figure B: Program Tag System Picklist

Program Tags, like so many series of items in PantrySoft, are just picklist entries. As such, as an admin you can edit, create, or delete them by going to Setup->Question Picklists: Program Tags.

Tagging a Client with a Program Tag

Setting up a Program Tag Registration Question (Admin Step)

Program Tag Registration Questio-1

Figure C: New Registration Question screen set up to tag Clients with the TEFAP Program tag

To allow Clients to be tagged with a Program Tag already in the system, you'll need to create a checkbox type of Registration Question to match. Those Clients whose latest Registration has that checkbox checked will thereafter be tagged with that Program Tag on the dashboard and on certain reports.

(Admins) Perform the following tasks to set up a Registration Question that can tag Clients with a specific Program Tag:

  1. Prepare a New Registration Question
    Go to Setup-> Registration Questions. Click New Question.

  2. Make a New Checkbox Type of Question (See Callout A)
    After naming the Question whatever you like (i.e. "TEFAP Qualified"), change the datatype to checkbox.

  3. Tag the Checkbox Question with the Appropriate Program Tag (See Callout B)
    Select one of the program tags from the Program Tags field. When a Client answers yes to this question (or an admin does it for them), the Client will then acquire the tag in question.

  4. (Optional) Consider Making this Show Only on the Dashboard (See Callout C)
    Optionally, de-select the Include in Kiosk and Include on Store checkbox. This will make the Registration Question appear only on the dashboard.
    (For instance, a pantry that gives Dashboard logins only to their high-level Users might want only those dashboard Users to be able to mark someone as TEFAP-certified. They'd un-check Include in Kiosk and include in Store so the dash is the only place anyone could answer the TEFAP-Qualified question for a Client.)

  5. (Optional) Consider making this question show only to Privileged Users (See Callout D)
    Optionally, select the Restrict to Privileged Users checkbox. This will ensure that only those users with the Privileged Additional Role will be able to see this question. Similar to hiding the question  from Kiosk and Storefront Users, this allows a pantry to show this question only to those highest-level Users designated "Privileged".


Tagging a Client

Program Tag Client Detail

Figure D: Client tagged with the TEFAP Program Tag after answering the TEFAP Qualified? registration question.

Now that we have a Program Tag set up, and we have a Registration Question set up to tag a Client with that tag, we can tag a Client in day-to-day operations.

Perform the following steps to tag a Client:

  1. Edit Their Recent Registration or Create a New One
    Click the edit pencil next to the Client's latest Registration, or else create a new one for them.

  2. Answer the Tagged Question
    Click the checkbox question you set up above in the previous section.

  3. Save and Exit, and Verify
    Notice now that in the Client's core information, they have the tag you tied to the question that was just answered. (See Figure D)

Tagging a Visit

Program Tags on Visit

Figure E: Visit with TEFAP and CSFP tags selected

Visits can also be tagged with one or more Program Tags. This makes the Program Tag feature a useful compliment to the Visit Type feature. Whereas Visits can only have one Visit Type, you can tag a Visit with multiple tags.

To tag a Visit, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Visit
    Click New Visit or edit one.
  2. Click Program Tag
    Select one or more program tags.
  3. Save, Exit, and Verify
    Save and Exit, and verify. Click Save and Exit. Notice the Visit itself has been tagged with the tag.