Quick Visit

This article will walk you through setting up a Quick Visit and Default Quick Visit Type

Quick Visit

PantrySoft users are now able to set up Quick Visits in their Kiosk. This option allows a customer to come in for an immediate appointment, rather than having to schedule a pick-up for a later date or time. 

To enable Quick Visits, Select Setup->Kiosk Settings and change Use Quick Visits to Yes.  This option creates an instant visit with no items and no questions dated immediately. 



Once "Use Quick Visit In Kiosk" is set to "Yes", the kiosk user can search for a customer as usual.


When the "New Visit" button is selected, they will receive a pop up in the upper right corner notifying them that the customer is now checked in. 



Mary has a local pantry where she provides food to the community by allowing customers to schedule appointments and pick up food. 

Due to an increase in volunteers at her pantry, she now has the ability to also allow customers to come to the pantry and pick up food without a previously scheduled appointment. 

Mary enables Quick Visits in the settings. 

A customer comes in to shop for food without a previously scheduled appointment. The volunteer clicks the New Visit button which now creates an immediate visit and notifies her that they are checked in. The customer is now able to shop for their food instantly without having to schedule a future pick-up. 

Default Visit Type for Quick Visits

If your organization provides multiple types of visits (i.e., food, shower, financial planning appointments, etc.) you may find it beneficial to set a Default Visit Type For Quick Visits. This is also completed in Setup->Kiosk Settings. When this is set, the New Visit button will automatically choose the selected Visit Type. 



John's pantry provides food for the community on an appointment only basis, but they also provide an option for customers to come in and take showers.

Rather than have customers schedule a future appointment to take a shower, John enables Quick Visit in his Kiosk. Since the food portion of the pantry is appointment only, he sets the Default Visit Type For Quick Visits as "Shower". 

An instant visit is set, and the customer is immediately able to use the showers. Since the Default Visit Type For Quick Visits is set to "Shower", the correct Visit Type is automatically recorded. 

Don't forget to click Save Settings in the upper right corner of the screen to finalize your settings changes. 

For assistance setting up a standard visit, click here.