QUICKSTART: Visit Item Setup

This article shows how to create a basic unit of food that your intake staff can add to clients’ visits.

On "Quickstart": The inventory system is optionally more complex than logging a single “basket of food”, and some admins know from the beginning that they’ll need to track more specifics (i.e., multiple food types, multiple locations, inventory sources, bar codes, non-food services, etc.). This article is intended to help you with the most basic inventory setup possible: creating a single inventory item to distribute to visiting clients.

Creating a Simple Inventory Item (for visit distribution)

Perform the following steps to create a “Bag of Food” item:

  1. Access the Inventory Item Screen
    Navigate to Inventory->Inventory Items. If this is your first time on this screen, you will see an empty table.

  2. Create a New Item
    Click New Item. This will take you to the New Inventory Item screen.

  3. Name the Item
    Give the new item a Name (Our Example: “Bag of Food”) and a Value.

  4. Verify the Item Will be Visible
    Ensure the boxes for Active and Show on Visit are checked. This will ensure the item is available for future visit intakes.

  5. Optional: Enter Item Identifiers
    If your pantry has its own serial numbers or other identifiers for goods and services, delete the default item number and enter your own.

  6. Enter Value and Weight for Item
    Ignore Inventory Item Type for now. Enter "0" for both Value/Unit and Weight/Unit.
    New Inventory Item Screen
  7. Record Your New Item
    Click Save and ExitThis will take you back to the table, which now shows your new item.

  8. Optional: Verify the Item Appears in a Visit
    Visit the Staff Dashboard, and with a client loaded, edit or create a visit. Verify the food item you just created now appears as a selectable item on visit screens.

"Food Poundage": For simple setups, consider creating a "Pound of Food" instead of the "Bag" shown here. Some pantries looking to keep distribution simple create a “Pound of Food” item and set its weight in the setup here at one pound per unit. All goods going out the door are weighed and recorded simply as a quantity of distributed pounds, and the "weight" column on reports is strictly accurate.