Release Notes August 4th 2022

Major Improvements and Updates to the Inventory Features

Feature - Inventory Changes

  • Improvement - New Inventory Settings Menu to separate settings concerning inventory setup from those concerned with the Visit.
  • Improvement - Credit Price Overrides allows you to optionally override the credit price of an item while you're making a Dashboard or Kiosk Visit.
  • Improvement - Quantity with Barcode. A quantity field— defaulted to 1— now sits next to the item barcode field. This lets you instantly add quantities greater than 1.
  • Improvement - Subtract Cart/ Tare Weight. Now you can add a "Cart Weight" item with a negative weight.

Feature - Current Inventory Screen Update

  • Improvement - New filter for Inactive Items. Now by default PantrySoft filters out all items you've made Inactive
  • Improvement - Reorder Threshold. You can now set a "reorder threshold" to better help you track which of your regular items are so low that you should order/ shop for more of them. Items with a current inventory below their threshold show up red on the Current Inventory screen. 

Feature - Transfer Screen Renamed Management Screen

  • Improvement - Default Sort Order. Using the Inventory Settings screen, you can choose which order the Management screen will use when presenting its items: Alphabetical or Item Number.
  • Improvement - Hide Item Number.  You can now hide this column altogether using the Hide Item Number setting on the Inventory Settings screen.

Feature - Automatic Inventory Valuation

  • Added a feature to set the value of an inventory item through a weighted average cost of the most recent receives containing that item.

Feature - Multiple Items per Barcode

  • When Pantries are required to track multiple inventory items using a to a single barcode such as when isolating TEFAP items, there is now support for this pairing one barcode to two or more inventory items.

Feature - Agency Admin Dynamic Report Builder

  • Added a new tool for Agency Admins to create their own dynamic reports to run against aggregate archive data from across their agency.

Improvement - Page title attributes are now dynamic to help navigate multiple browser tabs.

Improvement - Added a Hide/Show setting to the value display on receive tickets.

Improvement - Added a button to return to edit your registration from the storefront order confirmation screen.

Improvement - Added sort order to Household Members


  • Removed obtrusive keyboard shortcuts from saving picklists.
  • Fixed issue breaking the creation of delivery routes.
  • Fixed issue where storefront registration looks for client specific location even when setting is disabled.
  • Fixed issue saving schedule template name changes.
  • Fixed issue loading schedule template end dates for edit.
  • Fixed issue with required checkboxes preventing save on registration forms.
  • Fixed issue paginating multiple visit tickets from the fulfillment report.