Release Notes January 19th, 2022


  • Fixed bug preventing deleting a Storefront Household Member card when there's no income widget.
  • Fixed bug preventing saving a Customer record without adding a password. Instead, saving without a password now generates a random, secure password, and the User themselves can later reset it.
  • Fixed bug auto-fulfilling cloned visit items, if their progenitor-item on the prior visit was itself fulfilled.
  • Fixed bug preventing cloning visits on the Storefront and Kiosk.
  • Fixed bug allowing user to save picklist entries with database-illegal characters. Only legal characters are alphanumeric, plus underscorehyphen, and colon.
  • Fixed bug erroneously retiring the registration records' end-dates to before their start dates. This bug was confined to Kiosk and Storefront. Now registrations no longer have end-dates whatsoever.
  • Fixed bug preventing huge ranges of otherwise-valid Rollover Values when creating / editing Credit Tiers.
  • Fixed bug preventing fulfillment reports from sorting based on inventory-item-sequence (determined in Inventory Item index screen via drag-and-drop).
  • Fixed bug preventing online portal scheduling experience from properly showing the Visit Types that were actually paired with their own calendars, once the customer chose a Location.

Improvement - Shop Now Button Added to Storefront.

  • Shop Now button allows online customers to create a visit dated right now, without scheduling an appointment. This allows organizations to use the storefront interface as a kind of in-person Kiosk-visit-checkout experience, but using the storefront Registration and Shopping screens.

Improvement - Portal Appointment Screen Defaults to blank Visit Type / Calendar

  • Now online portal customers scheduling an appointment among multiple calendars will have to deliberately choose which Visit Type-based calendar they intend. Prior, the menu simply chose the first in the list and relied on customers to notice if it defaulted to an unintended calendar.

Improvement - Make Items with No Item Quantity Limits

  • Now you can set up inventory items to have a null (infinite) quantity limit.