Release Notes July 14th, 2022

Feature - Mobile Responsive Client Dashboard

  • To follow up our recent style overhaul this update includes a whole slew of changes to the client dashboard and it's modals to make it fully responsive. This allows for an unobstructed user experience on any mobile device!

Improvement - Kiosk Client Role Removed

  • The Kiosk Client role has been removed to streamline the kiosk into a single user role which can then be modified with additional user settings to achieve the same functionality. This allows more flexibility to setup multiple variations of the kiosk within the same PantrySoft Organization.
  • Existing Kiosk Client users have been changed to Kiosk Staff with user level settings enabled to Anonymize Kiosk Staff and Hide New Client Button.
  • The settings Anonymize Kiosk Staff, Hide New Client Button, Use Quick Visits In Kiosk, and Default Visit Type For Quick Visits are now all available as user overrides.

Improvement - Visit Type added to Visit Item Archive for Reporting

Improvement - Referral Setup and Delivery Setup roles Added

Improvement - New Setting to show Inventory Item Number in Add Item dropdown.


  • Fixed bug showing extra phone and email fields on storefront and kiosk registration under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed bug showing extra zip code field on storefront and kiosk registration under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed required field labels on household member edit to show red asterisks.
  • Fixed bug showing edit buttons on admin dashboard when viewing as a read only user.
  • Fixed location address entry to present the zip code field first in order to benefit from address autofill.
  • Fixed bug on storefront appointments which opened the screen to the current empty month if no appointments were available. It now instead jumps to the first available appointment even if it is several months away.
  • Fixed bug showing an extra Save New Address button on the bottom of the new client screen.
  • Fixed bug in kiosk causing 500 server errors when searching under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed bug causing the link in password reset emails to fail with a rejected token.
  • Fixed default age for Adults created in the Household Member Count widget on storefront or kiosk registration to be 19. The prior default of 18 was causing them to show up as children in some reports.
  • Fixed bug causing form modals to open at a smaller size if opened after an alert modal was thrown.