Release Notes March 17th, 2022

Feature - Agency Administration Dashboard and Data Archives

  • Created archive database for every Organization to store a point-in-time snapshot of a streamlined set of database tables useful for reporting.
  • Process to aggregate these new archive tables across multiple organizations and aggregate for Agency level reports.
  • Dashboard for Agency Administrators to manage the users and organizations in their agency.
  • Reporting tools to build and run dynamic reports from the new Agency Dashboard.

Improvement - Added Billing fields to Account Settings

  • Primarily contact information and physical location addresses. This is in preparation for in-app billing in the future.

Improvement - Streamline SSO Process with Setup Automation


  • Fixed inventory transfer screen location filtering; now it allows only trash movements with the User's own location if that User doesn't have the (multi) Location additional role.
  • Added Demo banner to header when logged into a demo account to avoid confusion.