Release Notes March 1st, 2022

Improvement - Multiple Proxies on Kiosk and Storefront Registration

  • Previously there were fields only for one proxy on the Kiosk and Storefront Registration screens. Now you can add as many as you like in the same way that additional household member cards work  

Improvement - Time Zone Fixes

  • Time zone functionality has been made relatively global in all areas of the app.

Improvement - Scheduling Enhancements

  • Appointment Window: Added Expand / Collapse All Button. Now pantries scheduling an appointment for a Client from the dashboard can click a button to see surrounding appointments for the day.
  • Client Name header on New Appointments. Client Name now appears atop New Appointment modal.


  • Fixed bug where asterisks were not showing up next to required Registration questions.
  • Fixes a bug preventing Visit Inventory Reports from responding to the Item Type filter.
  • Visit tickets now use AM/PM and not military time.
  • Fixed bug showing available slots where none existed.
  • Fixed bug where a change in the Dashboard Location chooser wasn't changing the Location attached to new appointments.
  • Fixed a bug where the expiration timer blocked the checkout timer on the storefront pantry.
  • Fixed a bug notifying Users just after kiosk registrations that an "Account Number" had been registered, even on those pantries that don't use Account Numbers.
  • Fixed bug preventing Dashboard Registration Household Income totals from adding up pre-loaded Income entries when cloning a new registration or editing an existing one .
  • Fixed bug overriding Dashboard Income Names when cloning a new registration or editing an existing one.
  • Fixed bug creating orphaned household members when moving duplicable household member cards.
  • Fixed bug creating a bordered area for custom questions on Kiosk and Storefront Registration even when no questions are present.
  • Fixed bug creating brand new proxies when a proxy was provided on Storefront or Kiosk Registration.