Release Notes March 8th, 2022

Improvement - Schedule Templates: Loosened Editing Restrictions

  • Schedule Template Blocks associated only with past visits no longer "red out."
  • Schedule Template Block Capacity can be lowered to 0 at any time (if they're still tied to an upcoming Appointment, schedules will show a negative capacity.
  • Schedule Template End Dates may now be changed to any date after the last real appointment tied to that template.

Improvement - Assign Specific Members to a Visit Item (a la diapers, holiday toys, etc)

  • After activating a config, a Household Member field will appear on each visit item. The default value is "Entire Household." This is particularly useful for Diaper banks, clothing distributors, and holiday giveaways, where specific visit items need to have specific household member recipients on reports.
  • When using this feature, a member assigned to a particular item will show up in the Comments column of Inventory Distribution reports.

Improvement - Fulfillment Report: Delivery Route Filter added

  • Now a filter for Delivery Routes appears on Inventory Fulfillment Reports. This only occurs with the Delivery Routes feature turned on in Settings.


  • Fixed a bug where the inclusion of Org User names crashed Dynamic Reports.
  • Fixed a bug where storefront appointments were being created with a null Location.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the Client Search table (PantrySoft->Browse Clients) from finding Clients based on their Account Number.