Release Notes May 16, 2024

Release Notes 05-16-2024


  • Added an IP based firewall to use at the organization level. This allows them to restrict their user logins to only be allowed to login from their office.

  • Refactor of search functionality to make it more efficiant. Change to search results display to only show fields included in search.


  • Normalized language around 'Ticket Number' and 'Visit Count' on settings, ticket, and queue screens. Added Ticket Number to queue screen.

  • Fixed column display and card view on queue report when viewed on mobile devices.

  • Added utility to dynamic report setup to help CS add custom fields to existing reports.

  • More changes to Kitchen Reports to better serve Meals on Wheels customers.


  • Fixed issue where income and expenses were not being saved on cloned registrations.

  • Fixed issue on visit and registration frequency rules where rules would break if there were multiple picklist values of the same name in the fields used.