Release Notes October 18th, 2022

Release focused on a variety of usability updates between major feature releases.

Feature - New household member quick add on client dashboard.

  • The new widget allows you to create placeholder household members by entering counts of adults, children, and seniors.
  • Age defaults for each category are customizable in settings.

Feature - Added an incomplete household member checkbox to allow the addition of household members that do not have all their information.

  • When toggled required fields will be disabled allowing the household member to be added with only a first name.
  • Any incomplete household members will be flagged as such on the client dashboard for easy identification on their next visit.

Feature - Added a ReplyTo email address in account settings so organization admins can now receive reply's to system emails.

Feature - Added a setting to print tickets automatically after creating a quick visit in kiosk mode.

Feature - Added the ability to add automatic login tokens to batch emails to help clients get into their account with the least friction.

Improvement - Expanded visit and registration frequency rules.

  • Rules now allow for an all option for both client status and visit type.
  • When creating multiple overlapping rules the most restrictive rule takes precedent.
  • Rules are now applied when editing a visit in the kiosk or client dashboard. This closes a loophole allowing rules to be circumvented on edit.

Improvement - Expanded Inventory Reports.

  • Reports now include loading spinners to give visual representation of large data sets loading.
  • Reports now provide feedback on filters to guide the user of incompatible settings and large data ranges.

Improvement - Expanded eligible client csv upload tool.

  • The tool now accepts a variety of delimiters and headers.
  • A new preview table provides a sample of how the csv will be parsed into the database.

Improvement - Added Ukrainian and Thai to the application translator.

Improvement - Fixed accessibility issues in the storefront workflow and added better user feedback throughout.

Improvement - Expanded on and renamed appointment window settings to make them more clear.


  • Fixed intermittent error printing tickets.
  • Fixed bug updating the primary household member field in the database.
  • Updated appointment window end date to end of day to make schedule templates inclusive of their last day. This also fixes the issue of schedule templates being unable to transition without a single day in between due to overlapping validation.
  • Fixed bug preventing tickets with barcodes from being printed in pdf mode.
  • Fixed issue with aggregate reports running slowly on large data sets by automating cleanup of underlying table between runs.
  • Fixed bug showing inactive inventory items on the storefront shop.
  • Fixed bug allowing back button to take logged in user back to login screen.
  • Fixed intermittent error with password resets.
  • Fixed client search issue blocking the enter key when multiple results matched.
  • Fixed issue preventing the reactivation of inactive household members. 
  • Fixed bug requiring gender in kiosk and storefront even when disabled in settings.
  • Fixed mobile responsive issues on client search results screen.
  • Fixed bug preventing the automatic refresh of the queue report in some situations.
  • Fixed issue with 'No Fixed Address' checkbox remaining checked after an address is added.