Release Notes September 26th, 2022

This release launches a new look for the Client Dashboard

Feature - Client Dashboard overhaul focusing on mobile responsiveness and accessibility. New layout streamlines all the same functionality and classic mode gives you time to adjust.

  • The activity timeline combines visits, appointments, consultations, and registrations into one chronological feed.
  • New filters allow you to hide and show the activity you want to see.
  • The clients last registration is pinned to the top to allow for quick access.
  • Search Functionality moved to the client header to make better use of vertical space.

Feature - Added TEFAP specific features to help track the program.

  • Clients can now be flagged as legible for TEFAP on their registrations.
  • Registration Questions can be flagged as TEFAP and will carry a small icon to help differentiate them.
  • Added visit categories to track programs the client is enrolled in, including TEFAP.
  • Added picklist of household members and proxies to the visit to identify who picked up as part of TEFAP compliance.
  • Expanded signature support throughout the application to accommodate various states tracking requirements.

Feature - Client Eligibility autofill added to kiosk.

  • For organizations using the eligibility upload you can now prefill the registration form when an account number and email match is found.

Feature - TinyMCE Content Area question type added so that you can create custom content within your custom fields to add instructions.

Improvement - Armenian added to the translator.

Improvement - Updated feedback on the storefront appointment page to better inform the user of appointment window conflicts.

Improvement - Updated to be fully accessible.


  • Added delete protection to used inventory source types to avoid data regression.
  • Updated visit frequency rules to filter inactive visit types.
  • Fixed bug calculating inventory credits for items in cloned visits.
  • Fixed client note bug displaying start and end date options when alert checkbox unchecked.
  • Fixed intermittent bug loading clients in the kiosk.
  • Fixed issue checking client eligibility on submission of an edited registration.