How to understand your data in PantrySoft with reports.
PantrySoft provides a number of reports to each organization, the two most commonly used are Aggregate Reports and Dynamic Reports. We'll break down each of the report types, their uses, and an explanation of the commonly used reports below.
Aggregate Reports:
Aggregate reports are high-level reports most commonly used to report household or service volumes. These reports do not allow you to drill down into individual clients or households, and are often required of organizations annually or quarterly.
There are two aggregate reports available in every PantrySoft organization:
- Full Activity Counts: Shows total number of households served in a time period, as well as the household types and demographic breakdown of those households.
- Visit Counts by Date: Shows total households and individuals served by day for a time period, as well as new clients per day.
Note that the numbers represented in the Aggregate Reports are determined by Visits logged on a client's record, not Appointments.
Dynamic Reports
There are many dynamic reports in PantrySoft to help you understand your pantry's performance and impact. Some of the most commonly used Dynamic Reports are outlined below. Need a custom report? You can request one here.
All Client Records
This report provides an overview of all the clients currently in the organization's system. It displays each client's name, household information (including the number of children, adults, and seniors), client status, contact details (phone, email, address), and the location and time of their latest visit and registration. This report is useful for gaining a comprehensive understanding of your organization's client base.
Visiting Clients
This report provides a snapshot of all clients who've visited within the selected time period. It gives you their name, client status, the dates of their latest visit and registration, and the number of times they've visited during the period. It also provides household information (including the number of children, adults, and seniors), and their contact details (phone, email, address). This report can help you understand who your "frequent flyers" are.
Visits in Range
This report is similar to the Visiting Clients report, except that instead of aggregating the visits of an individual client, it lists each visit out individually. You may want to use this report if you're trying to capture all individual visits during a certain time period.
Visiting Household Members
This report lists each of the household members visits individually with their client status and contact details (phone, email, address). This is a useful report if you want to know all of the people who've visited, regardless of whether they're a primary client or household member.