Specific Schedule Template Setting Overrides

Learn the basic Schedule-Template-Specific settings you can setup / control as an admin.

For the purposes of the Online Portal, Schedule Templates are not only patterns of Appointment availability, but their Settings Overrides allow for a specific, tailored workflow through the portal.

After any Registration, Online Portal customers who visit a pantry with multiple Schedule Templates choose one of those templates, and from there are guided through a workflow.

By default, a Schedule Template workflow is determined by the default settings in Storefront Settings (Setup->Storefront Settings).

However, admins can tailor an Online Portal Customer's experience through the override fields in Schedule-Template-specific settings:

Customization Opportunities in Schedule Template Settings Override

Visit a Schedule Template Overrides Screen

Visit a Schedule Template's Settings Override page by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup->Schedule Templates.

  2. Edit the template you wish to modify (edit pencil).

  3. Inside the Edit Schedule Template screen, click Settings:

    sschedule settings

Verify or Adjust Settings

From here, admins can achieve specific effects specific to a particular Schedule Template program in the Online Portal:

Appointment Visibility. 

Four settings dictate the time intervals between a customer's portal visit and the appointments they can see:

Read about those settings (and portal appointment visibility in general) in Schedule Templates and Appointment Visibility.


Turning on Stop after Scheduling:

Turning this setting to "yes" means that customer selecting this Template and its workflow will head straight to the Order (Appointment) confirmation screen without visiting the storefront to "shop".

This is particularly useful for those pantries who distribute food via one Schedule Template, but offer (e.g.) Counseling Sessions via another Template... where no "items" are ordered, packed or picked up. 

Appointment Confirmation and Reminder Experience: 

  • Appointment Reminder Header Text The email header in the email sent to remind clients about their appointments. 
  • Appointment Reminder Sub header Text The email sub-header in the email sent to remind clients about their appointments. 
  • Appointment Reminder SMS Text and Appointment Reminder Email Text control the messages Portal customers will receive via Email (and optionally SMS/ text-messaging)
  • Appointment Confirmation Message and Order Confirmation Message content boxes allow an admin to craft the message that immediately appears on the final screen at the end of the portal experience.
  • They can include a barcode-translation of the client's Account Number for faster lookup when they arrive by turning on Show Account Barcode on Confirmation.
  • Order Confirmation Email Content allow an admin to craft a message that is emailed to the client once they place an order, pending permissions to email a client are turned on in PantrySoft. 
  • Order Notification Admin Notification Email Content allow an admin to craft a message to be sent to User accounts that have "Storefront Notifications" checked in their User settings (You can check for this under Setup > Users > Additional Roles under a specific User Account

Revert to Defaults?

If you've changed anything on this Schedule-Specific Template Overrides screen, a message will appear at the top like this:

To restore everything to their present global settings  (Found under Setup > Storefront Settings) click Reset to Default.