Signature Collection (Registrations, Visits)

PantrySoft includes functionality for collecting signatures — on either the Visit or Registration screens.


You can set up PantrySoft Visits and Registration screens with a dedicated Signature Collection Widget or alternatively one or more "Signature" type custom questions (see Custom Question Creation).

You have two hardware choices for collecting these signatures during a Visit or a Registration:

  • Touchscreen/ Mouse Signing. Invite customers to use a touchscreen or the mouse directly in the signature field.
  • Topaz Device. Invite customer to sign on a dedicated Topaz signature device purchased from the Topaz website


Activating Touchpad/ Mouse Signing:

We are excited to announce that we have recently introduced touchscreen/mouse signatures that requires no additional hardware or extensions! If you already use the Topaz signature pad and would like to switch to the mouse/ touchpad method instead, simply remove the Topaz extension from your browser.

Adding Signature Collection to Visits and/or Registrations

For both Visits and Registrations, PantrySoft has two different kinds of signature collection:

Signature Footer/ Dedicated Widget.

PantrySoft reserves a dedicated, full-page-width signature space at the bottom of every Registration and Visit screen.

  • Registrations: In Setup-> Registration Settings, activate the signature widget:
    (Show Signature on Dashboard Registration).
    • OPTION: add the agreement language in those same settings:
      (Registration Agreement Text)
    • OPTION: make the signature required:
      (Signature on Dashboard Registration Required)

  • Visits: In Setup-> Visit Settings, activate the signature widget:
    (Show Signature on Visit).
    • OPTION: add the agreement language in those same settings:
      (Visit Agreement Text)
    • OPTION: make the signature required:
      (Signature on Visit Required)

Custom Registration "Signature" Question.

PantrySoft Custom Questions can also collect signatures. You can add as many of these signature questions as you'd like the Custom Question area in a Visit or a Registration.

  • Registrations: In Setup-> Registration Questions, add a signature type of custom question to the Registration screens (see signature type questions under Custom Question Creation). 
  • Visits: In Setup-> Visit Questions, add a signature type of custom question to the Visit screens (again, see signature type questions under Custom Question Creation). 

Topaz  Signature Pad Overview

For those pantries who wish to use a dedicated signature pad device to collect signatures, PantrySoft offers integration with the Topaz brand signature pads.

To set up either a Registration or a Visit with signature collection, perform the following steps as necessary:

  1. Purchase a Topaz pad.
  2. Download the three drivers / software mentioned in Hardware Installation.
  3. Turn on Visit and/or Registration signature settings inside PantrySoft.
  4. Plug the Topaz pad into your device and let your device finalize installation (i.e., "plug and play")

Hardware Purchase

Choose from among Topaz' signature pads.
Purchase page is here:

Hardware Installation

PantrySoft uses TOPAZ drivers to interface with signature pad devices. Find the hardware for sale here and select any one of them.
Once you've purchased and received your hardware, you'll need to do the following three things:
  • Download and install the hardware drivers.
  • Download and install the app.
  • Download and install the browser extension.
Perform the following steps to set up the signature pad hardware:
  1. Acquire the TOPAZ-compatible signature pad devices you'll need.

  2. Install the device drivers from the site, finding your particular model on this page:

  3. Download, save, and then run the following TOPAZ app on your computer:

  4. Finally, from inside your browser, install the "SigPlusExtLite" browser extension as follows:

Topaz Official Documentation: For full instructions directly from the manufacturer, visit this page and download the full documentation:

Running Visits with Topaz Signatures

After setting up a visit or registration signature field (see above), your intake staff will now see a field appear on those screens. If the field has not been required, staff are free to ignore this field, saving and exiting as normal. 

Perform the following steps to attach a signature to a visit:
  1. Click Sign. 
    A special TOPAZ pop-up will appear containing a field that displays the signature as it is signed.

  2. Confirm Topaz pop-up.
    Wait for the bottom of the TOPAZ pop-up to display: "Pad initialized, start signing."

  3. Invite the client to sign. 
    Note: the pad does not have a "done" button.

  4. Click OK when done.
    Click the green check symbol at the top of the pop-up when the client is done signing. A signature will appear in the Signature Scan area of the Visit pop-up.

  5. Save and Exit.
    Click Save and Exit

Running Registrations with Topaz Signatures

The procedure for running Registration signatures is identical to running visits with signatures (above).