Training Fees

Training Fees. Please contact us regarding our current training fees. You can send an email to or give us a call at (406) 549-0766.

Do my support hours count toward training? If you opt into our setup fee, we will provide initial training for your staff in a single training session upon request. This is part of your onboarding process. After that, we're here to answer any questions, but actually training someone new to PantrySoft after you're up and running is subject to the standard training fees. 

Setup Fee Training. Our one-time setup fee for onboarding assistance includes a single thorough training session during onboarding. You can invite whomever you like to the online call. We can also record this session and you can distribute the recording to your staff. After this, your setup fee and support hours do not include training your employees/ volunteers.

Training Thereafter. With an established pantry, we do assume that you'll train your own employees on how to use the system, as you've graduated from our setup/onboarding process and you've got your own basic operations well in hand. Of course, we can absolutely answer pointed questions you have at any time through our support system.
Emergency Training. In some of the smaller pantries, it's possible that everyone who knows how to use PantrySoft might suddenly leave your organization with little to no warning (which certainly happens in some of the smaller pantries). Under such rare circumstances, call us and we're willing to work with you to get a brand-new team up and running.