User: Roles

Learn how to fine-tune each staff members' access to certain features and screens by assigning them User Roles.

Setting up User Roles

A User in PantrySoft is a staff member with login access to your installation. You can control their experience in PantrySoft— especially their access to certain screens and features— by assigning each User a profile of Roles. This will consist of a single Core Role and 0 or more Additional Roles.

Core Role (One per User)

Every User is assigned a single Core Role. If the role is prefixed with "Org," it affords the User PantrySoft's Dashboard experience. The Kiosk Staff Core Role, on the other hand, affords the User the Kiosk interface for quick login operations.

Dashboard Core Role (Hierarchical Access to the Dashboard Interface)

Org Read Only. User can look at existing client-related records, but not create, edit, or delete them. Assign this role if the user is mainly performing transcription or lookup related tasks but will not be processing clients in any way.

Org Entry. Read, Edit. User has Read Only permissions and can also add and edit client-related records. User cannot delete them. Assign this role if the user will be processing clients, but you’d like to protect them from accidentally deleting anything.

Org User. Read, Edit, Delete. User has Entry permissions and can also delete client-related records. Assign this role to the majority of your employees, as the delete-permission allows them to clean up any accidental or redundant records they might create.

Org Admin. User and access to Configs. Adds access to the Setup menu on top of User level permissions. Setup menu can change system-wide settings, craft custom questions, control other users' permissions, monitor messaging, and change the scheduling.

Kiosk Core Role (Access to the Kiosk Interface)

Kiosk Staff. Use full Kiosk Interface. Loads the Express Kiosk interface instead of the Staff Dashboard upon login. The Express Kiosk interface has no dashboard, but rather only shows the client-search bar and menus unlocked through Additional Roles (see below).

Additional Roles (0 or more per User)

Once you've chosen a Core Role for the User, add Additional Roles as needed to afford them access to more specific screens and features:

Kiosk-Modifying Additional Roles

If you combine the "**" Additional Roles with the Kiosk Staff Core Role, the Kiosk Staff User will have a slightly modified version of the Kiosk Interface tailored to their function in your organization (for instance the Queue Additional Role will dump a Kiosk Staff User directly onto the Queue Report upon login for manning a drive thru-style packing station)


Additional Roles (Combine with Standard, typically activates single menu trees)

Inventory. Inventory Setup and Report Menu. User will see the Inventory menu on the menu bar and have access to its features. This includes Inventory Reports.

Kitchen. Tailored Kitchen Reports. See a day's outgoing meals for "Meals on Wheels" style operations. Reports show one row per client. Print stickers/ labels for each of the day's deliveries.

(Multi) Location. Choose from Multiple Locations. If your pantry uses multiple locations, users with the Location role will have access to location choosers wherever they appear throughout the app. Without this role, Users will be relegated to a single location when creating and viewing Reports, creating Visits, or creating Appointments. Admins can change this single location for any user without the Location role by changing the User's Default Location field.

Message Notification. Receive copies of automated SMS messages and Emails. Receive a copy of automated alert notifications sent via SMS and Email to your Clients.

Privileged. See Privileged Notes and Questions. Staff member with the Privileged Role can both see and designate Custom Questions and Client Notes with the Privileged tag. 

Product Announcement. See PantrySoft Staff Announcements. See Announcement pop-ups that PantrySoft staff publishes from time to time announcing new features or app changes.

**Queue. Access to the Queue Report under Reporting. Users with this role will see the Queue Report, which is an automatically-refreshing screen designed for drive-in style packing. Visits will appear on the report as they are created by other Users, and Queue operators can dismiss those Visits as fulfilled once they've packed their items. 

Report. Report Menu. User will see the Report menu on the menu bar and have access to its features. Includes all non-inventory reports including rosters of visiting clients (Client Reports), lists of Appointments (Schedule Reports), Visitor Tally reports (Aggregate Reports). Does not include inventory reports (assign the User the Inventory role to give them access to Inventory reports).

Schedule. Access to Schedule Report. User will see the Schedule Report in their Reporting menu.

Storefront Notification. Online Order Notification. User will receive email notifications of Client Portal orders, but only those orders associated with the User's default location. (Requires activating the Client Portal).

About Client Portal and receiving Online Order notifications: In order to receive notifications about online orders, the online store must be activated, and the User must have the following features: 

- User is enabled

- User has a valid email address entered as Email

- Role is Admin or above

- Additional Role Storefront is selected

- Location is chosen (not blank)

Use Delivery Driver-tailored Kiosk Interface if installation opts into our Delivery/ Route feature . Upon login, User is diverted immediately to a Driver Report inside of a Kiosk interface. Driver report shows visits for a single day, but only those visits associated with a chosen Delivery Route (default to the Delivery Route assigned to the User).
