Visit Tickets

This article discusses how to customize visit tickets to meet the needs of your pantry.


Visit Tickets are printable documents of existing visit records that can be used to help coordinate and streamline your pantry's workflow. They contain information about the client, the visit, and inventory items (if applicable). Visit tickets can be customized to display a variety of information, depending on your workflow and the needs of your pantry staff. Custom registration and interview questions responses can be configured to appear on the ticket.

Note: The scope of this article is limited to the default visit ticket. If your organization uses a custom ticket template, this information may not be relevant. 

Below are two examples of the range of data available on visit tickets:

Example of a full feature visit ticket
Example of a simple visit ticket

Accessing Visit Ticket Settings

To access the settings for visit tickets, follow these steps:

  1. Verify Admin Status
    Ensure you are logged as a User with Org Admin or Org Setting Admin status. For more information on User Roles, please see this article.

  2. Open the Settings
    Navigate to Setup->Visit Settings. The settings for tickets are under the Ticket header near the bottom of the page.

Customizing Visit Tickets (Settings)

This section will discuss the custom settings that affect the data displayed on Visit tickets.


Screenshot of Ticket Settings screen

Listed below is each setting and its function:


  • Ticket Header Text. Text entered here will display as a header at the top of all visit tickets. This, the largest text on the ticket, is usually used as a title.

  • Ticket Sub header Text. Text entered here will display as a sub-header just below the header text at the top of all visit tickets. This text displays in a smaller font allowing for more space for general instructions, etc.

  • Show Account Number Barcode on Ticket. This will generate a barcode representing the client's account barcode on the ticket. This allows a staff member to simply scan a ticket to quickly bring up that client's information onscreen.

  • Show Contact Information on Ticket. This setting toggles the display of the client's phone number and email address on the ticket.

  • Show Address on Ticket. This setting toggles the display of the client's physical address.

  • Show Household Members on Ticket. This toggles whether household members' names and relations will be displayed on the ticket. If No is selected, the ticket will only display the "Household Size" instead of each individual's information.

  • Show Visit Comment on Ticket. This setting will print any recorded visit comments on the visit ticket. Useful for displaying custom instruction specific to a visit.

  • Show Location on Ticket. This setting displays the pantry location on the ticket. Only applicable if you have multiple locations.

  • Show Credits on Tickets. This setting displays the client's credit total on the ticket. Only applicable if using the optional credits system.

  • Show Visit ID Ticket. This setting displays a unique visit id generated for each visit on the ticket.

  • Show Visit Count on Ticket. This setting displays a count of visits for the day at the time of the visit on each ticket.

  • Use PDF Ticket. This setting exports the ticket as a PDF file rather than raw HTML. Selecting this also allows you to customize the dimensions of the ticket.

  • PDF Ticket Width. This setting adjusts the width of exported PDF tickets.

  • PDF Ticket Height. This setting adjusts the height of exported PDF tickets.

  • PDF Ticket Margin. This setting adjust the margin (blank space) on either side of the exported PDF ticket.

Customizing Visit Tickets (Registration and Interview Questions)

Follow these steps to add responses provided in Registration and Interview Questions to tickets.

  1. Navigate to the Respective Question Table
    Navigate to Setup->Interview Questions or Setup->Registration Questions to locate the question you wish to add. These are the only question types that can be toggled to be appear on the visit ticket.

  2. Open the Target Question
    Find the question from the table and click the Edit button.

  3. Select Include on Ticket
    Selecting this option enables provided responses to this question to appear on each client's visit ticket. This works regardless of the datatype.
    Dietary restriction Registration Question with Include On Ticket selected
  4. Optionally, Verify That the Question Now Appears on the Ticket
    Navigate to the staff dashboard and click the printer icon next to a visit. Verify that the registration question appears.

Note: This will only be reflected on visit tickets dated after a registration where the target question was answered. 

Visit ticket that shows a dietary restriction question from registration.