Custom Zip Codes

This article covers how to implement Custom Zip Codes in your Client records to override any inaccurate City, State, or County information.


Custom Zip Codes is a troubleshooting feature that allows you to correct inaccurate address data auto-populated by Zip Code. PantrySoft uses Google's Geocode API to auto-fill City, State, and County fields in a Client's address record from a postal code. This method is the industry standard to populate geographical data, but it is not completely foolproof. City names may be incorrect, especially in areas where multiple municipalities are in close proximity. County information may be missing. Custom Zip Codes allow you to override the Google defaults to efficiently enter address data while maintaining accurate records for you clients.

Turning On Custom Zip Codes

Follow these steps to enable Custom Zip Codes.

  1. Verify Admin Status
    Ensure you are logged in as an Org Setting User. See this article for more information about user roles.

  2. Find the Zip Code Override Setting
    Navigate to Setup->Client Settings. Locate the setting Use Zip Code Overrides. Click "Yes". Optionally, you can click Only Use Zip Code Overrides if you want to entirely bypass the Google Geocode zip codes--thus using only the custom Zip Codes that you create.

  3. Save and Exit
    Click Save Settings to record your latest selection. 

Setting Up Custom Zip Codes

Follow these steps to configure your own Custom Zip Codes

  1. Verify Admin Status
    Ensure you are logged in as an Org Setting User.

  2. Navigate to Setup->Custom Zip Codes
    This option will not appear until Use Zip Code Overrides is checked "Yes" in Client Settings.

  3. Create a New Custom Zip Code
    Click Add New Code to access the Custom Zip Code form. Input desired information, then click Save and Exit to record your new Custom Zip Code. Alternately, click the "Back" (<-) button to cancel and return to the previous page. 

  4. Verify Your New Zip Code
    Verify that your new Zip Code entry displays on the table. Click Edit to make changes or Delete to remove the entry. 

    Optionally, test your new Zip Code out by creating or editing a client and entering the Custom Zip Code in the Postal Code field. The City, County, and State fields will populate with the data you defined in the Custom Zip Code
